Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Hotels and their rooms are intriguing micro-worlds. As a guest you are removed from your world and immersed in an ambinece that is transient, isolating, disconnected, and often more opulent or dowdy than yours. The isolation can be appealing and unsettling as you keep company with yourself. I travel often and enjoy the institutional warmth and anonymity of hotels as well as the subtle tranformation they invoke upon the guests.

Names, dates, and sizes are approximate - Click to enlarge

Hotel Space - (unfinished) - 2008 - 26 x18

The Last Door - 2007 - 32 x 24

Watching the Light - 2006 - 30 x 20 - sold

A Cold Lot - 2005 - 20 x 16 - sold

The Edge - 2006 - 24 x 40 - sold
This is based on a series of photos of my children in the hotel pool, some clinging to the edge, some venturing into the less-lit unknown.

Room in Seattle - 2006 - 24x18

Neon Shine - 2003 - 24x18 - sold

Pool at Night - 2003 - 20 x16 - sold
I love pool-glow at night

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